If you are planning a development, forestry activity, mining exploration or any other disturbance to the natural environment, you may require completion of a Wildlife Habitat Assessment (WHA).

TLC will assess wildlife habitat values, record evidence of its usage and identify if any special at-risk species are present. This information will help develop your Wildlife Management Plan (WMP) which will give you a good understanding about species correlation involvement, risk and long term planning.  The understanding of both environmental and engineering components of the project is crucial to minimize environmental risks.  We have the knowledge to collaborate with everyone who is involved in Wildlife Habitat Assessment processes, including Aboriginal communities. Our goal is to find the best solution to the current situation.

For all your Wildlife Habitat Assessment needs, please contact TLC at 1-250-306-5345 or via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.