Andy Matysiak MSc, RPBio, PEng, GRP
President / General Manager
Andy has over eighteen years’ experience in Civil / Environmental / Forestry Engineering and Environmental Science. He is a professional biologist, engineer in British Columbia and green roof professional in North America. He has worked in private industry for Aboriginal communities and within government in different capacities serving as both a project management consultant and a technical expert. Andy likes to associate with people who love nature as deeply as he does. Andy is passionate about connecting people to nature and nature to people.
- - Ogopogo Foundation (OF) - President
- - Association of Professional Biology of British Columbia (APB) – Member
- - Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) – Member
- - College of Applied Biology of British Columbia (CABBC) – Member
- - Green Roof for Healthy Cities North America (GRHC) – Member
- - Cascadia Green Building Council - Member

- - Silvatech Group