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fish habitat inventories

TLC can assist you in obtaining all the necessary data about fish presence, species involvement, distribution, and habitat value.

fish habitat rehabilitation and enhancement

TLC understands that, to rehabilitate and stabilize fish habitat, it is important to have a thorough understanding of restoration biology and river engineering.

fish salvage

If you are working near water during the construction phase of your project, you need to make sure that no Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction (HADD) to fish occurs. TLC can assist you in obtaining all necessary permits such as a Fish Collection Permit.

stream inventory and assessments

TLC can create stream inventories and conduct assessments. Stream classifications are mainly conducted in the forest industry and mining exploration fields using present guidelines as a reference.

stream rehabilitation and stream bank stabilization

We work to bring current streams back as they were before human interference - correcting any negative impact. We apply bioengineering techniques to rehabilitate and stabilize stream banks, anywhere where is reasonable and possible.

water quality control

Water quality control measures apply to construction projects on or near aquatic habitat, especially in areas that are critical for fish life cycles, as well as drinking water sources.